Fear is one thing that keeps us from following our dreams. Conquer self doubt and fear and you can take on the world.
One of the scariest things I have ever done was moving from my hometown into a bigger city. I know it sounds silly because it was only a 45 minute move but I had never lived away from my family or childhood friends.I had lived in that small town my whole entire life. I didn't know anyone in the bigger city we were moving to. I had my mom and friends helping me babysit and doing things for the boys when I needed them to. I didn't know anyone in our new city that would help me with the kids and I would have to start all over and make new friends. But it was the best decision I ever made. There are so many more opportunities here for me and my family. I found a job within a month of moving here and I have made so many new incredible friends.
One of the scariest things I have ever done was moving from my hometown into a bigger city. I know it sounds silly because it was only a 45 minute move but I had never lived away from my family or childhood friends.I had lived in that small town my whole entire life. I didn't know anyone in the bigger city we were moving to. I had my mom and friends helping me babysit and doing things for the boys when I needed them to. I didn't know anyone in our new city that would help me with the kids and I would have to start all over and make new friends. But it was the best decision I ever made. There are so many more opportunities here for me and my family. I found a job within a month of moving here and I have made so many new incredible friends.
I still have so many negative thoughts and fears of failure but I cancel those thoughts out with positive thoughts. I would have rather followed my dreams and fail, than to live in fear of failure and always wonder what if.
Recently my mom and friends have been pushing me to compete in the Mrs. Kentucky pageant. So I went on their website and filled out the application, submitted my picture. About a month later, I got an email that I was chosen to represent Somerset/Pulaski County in the pageant! You can imagine how excited I was. I love doing pageants! When I was a teenager I basically eat, slept and breathed pageants. My husband is super supportive of me competing in the Mrs. Kentucky pageant but honestly with all the things we have going on in our life right now, we don't have the time or money to compete this year. But, next year I will defiantly be competing. I am going to save up as much money as possible to work towards this. Yes, I do have a fear of not winning but even if I don't win, it is still an honor to be chosen to compete in the Mrs. Kentucky pageant.
Don't let fear our doubt, stop you from going for your dreams. Just ask your self, If I do go for my dreams whats the worst that could happen? If you fail, at least you went for it and you learned from your mistakes. So next time you try, you will be more successful. Life is too short, so shoot for the stars!

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