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Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I just won the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Thanks so much to Jacqueline at Sail Away To Neverland for nominating me. I love reading Jacqueline's blog, she is such a sweet girl and she has the most beautiful posts. I am so thrilled to win this award. It's such an honor to know that my fellow bloggers read and like my blog. 

So here are the rules for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award:
1) Thank and link the person who nominated you 
2) List the rules and display the award 
3) Share 7 facts about yourself 
4) Nominate 7 blogs who inspire you 
5) Let them know you have nominated them! ♡

Let's get started!
7 Facts About Me:
  1. I have a horrible cat allergy. I did not know this until I moved in with my husband 8 years ago. He had an old cat in his house and it caused me to break out in hives and my eyes swelled. It was awful. So needless to say, I don't like cats.
  2. When I was in the 3rd grade I wrote a story and sent it to Highlights magazine and they published it. I still have the magazine and the article.
  3. I am half Sardinian. My dad's family is from Sardinia, a small island off the coast of Sicily. On my mom's side of the family, I am part Cherokee Indian and Welsh. 
  4. I love Hello Kitty! I have been in love with and collected Hello Kitty stuff since I was 10. Hello Kitty is so cute, simple, and very girly.
  5. I was in a Dairy Queen television commercial. I went in Dairy Queen years ago and they were filming a commercial and the owner asked me to be in the commercial.
  6. Before I was married, I competed in beauty pageants. I still love to watch beauty pageants and I plan on competing in Mrs. pageants. I just love all the glamour and beauty!
  7. I wanted to name my oldest son Atticus, after Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird. But, my husband loved the name Jackson. I also love the names Sebastian, Oskar, and Phillip for boys. 

7 Blogs that Inspire Me:

I love all of these beautiful blogs and I find them Very Inspiring, I know you will too so check them out!


  1. Your facts are so interesting! :D I bet the commercial was really fun to film! hahaha <3

    1. Thanks! It was defiantly a fun experience i'll never forget.

  2. Thank you again for nominating me!!!! You are seriously so sweet, and I appreciate your kindness!!


    1. Your welcome! I love reading your blog, it's very fashion forward and inspiring :)

  3. Thank you so much for thinking of my blog for this award! I appreciate it!

    I loved reading your facts! They are actually really fun and interesting :)

    xo Jules

    1. Your welcome, I love visiting your blog and reading your posts. You deserve it :)


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