Make eye hashes longer by heating eyelash curler with hair dryer. This is number one for a reason, i've been doing this everyday for years. I do not recommend for you to doing this everyday, it may damage your lashes but I do recommend using it for special occasions. It's very simple, after applying your mascara, turn your hairdryer on and blow it on your eyelash curler for about 5 seconds(do not over heat or it will burn your eyelid!) then curl lashes as usual and voila! longer lashes!
Dip eye shadow brush in eye drops to make eyeshadow pop. This is another hack I use on a daily basis, and it is safe for daily use. Before applying your eyeshadow, put a few drops of eye drops on your brush, then dip it in your eyeshadow, and apply as usual and watch your eyeshadow color pop!
Put peroxide on toothbrush to whiten teeth. If your teeth is looking less than vibrant, just pour or spray some peroxide on your toothbrush, then put toothpaste on bush and brush as usual for 2 minutes. You will notice a whiter smile in a couple of days. I found this peroxide in a a spray bottle at walgreens and it works perfect.

Use hair conditioner for shaving cream. Just rub a small dollop of conditioner on legs before shaving. It gets a closer shave than shaving cream, makes your legs silky smooth and no razor burn! Note: You don't want to use your expensive conditioner for this, a cheap drugstore brand works fine.
Use your toothbrush to remove dead skin on lips. Lip exfoliates can be crazy expensive so save money by lightly brushing away the dead skin or rough spots on your lips before you apply lipstick or gloss. It always works and makes your lips look extra smooth.
Use baby powder in place of dry shampoo. This is for blondes or light brown haired women only, I tried it on my black hair and it ended up looking grayish. Out of dry shampoo and don't have time to wash your hair? My blonde haired mom has done this for years, put a small amount of baby powder on the roots and part of your hair and it will absorb all the oil.
When I finished, I realized I had so many to share that it would be way too long for one blog post so I am going to post the second part next week.
Let me know if you try any of these or if you already have tried them :)
I would also love to hear some of your beauty hacks so leave them in the comment box below!
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