Obviously I am obsessed with beauty, makeup, hair, clothes etc. But something that is more important to me than outward appearances is inner beauty. Inner beauty to me if finding happiness, to be truly happy and content with your life. It took me many years to find my own inner happiness . If you cant be truly happy with your life you will never find peace. So I am going to share my tips on how I found my inner happiness.
Accept what is We all have little stresses in life that really get to us. Don't let negativity ruin your day. Think about your life 5 years ago. Do you even remember all the things that bothered you back then? Probably not. There are so many people and things that come in and out of your life all the time, don't let negativity ruin your day. For example, if you spill coffee on your self or you are tired of a coworkers catty comments, just brush it all off and go on with your day. 5 years from now, this won't matter. I came to the realization that you cannot change things and let all the little things go. Accept your life, the good along with the bad and move on.
Power of Positivity I am a true believer that whatever you put out in the world you will get back. Trust me, I have done some bad things along with a lot of good things and I have got it all back. Give as much positive energy into the world and not only will you get it back, but it will also make you feel good. Be kind to others. There is a huge shortage of kindness in the world. Help out your fellow man kind. Practice random acts of kindness. Stay positive, its easy to let negative thoughts control you. Change your way of thinking and it will change your whole life.
Attitude of Gratitude Be thankful with what you already have. I went through a period of depression at one point in my life and what got me through was to think of all the things and people in my life that I was thankful for. Make a list of everyone and everything that you are thankful for in your life and carry it with you. Next time you need a pick me up just look at the list. Having an attitude of gratitude can really change your way of looking at the world.
I hope you found these tips helpful. I am going to be writing a part two, of inner beauty/happiness tips very shortly. If you found my tips helpful or if you have any of your own, comment below :)

I love your pleasant outlook on life. The shoes are superchic!